Puerto Rico.
Find your climb.
Save time, stay safe, climb hard, and have fun.
Guided climbing trips and courses
Our guided trips are perfect for an individual or family looking for a fun adventure in Puerto Rico.
No experience is required.
All gear included, e.g., harness, climbing shoes, helmet.
Experienced AMGA-certified professional instructors provide it.
We do all the boring parts so you can focus on having fun.
Our company provides public and private trip options to ensure customers receive a tailored experience that suits their preferences.
Bouldering Trips in Puerto Rico
Juncos, PR -Area 51
In addition to our usual trips, we also provide guided bouldering. Bouldering is free climbing on small natural rock formations or synthetic rock walls without ropes or harnesses.
No experience is required.
All gear included, e.g., crash pads, climbing shoes, chalk, and bouldering chalk bag.
There are three places to go Bouldering: Bayamon(limestone boulders), Juncos “Area 51“, and Yabucoa Beach boulders.

Upcoming courses:
Intro to sport climbing / introducción a la escalada deportiva :
Learning to Lead Climb/ Aprendiendo a como escalar de Líder:

Learn more about our guides and climbing background.